firstrand namibia

The FirstRand Namibia Foundation is the primary social investment vehicle, serving as the platform for long- and short-term investments locally, as well as spearheading urgent national initiatives relevant to disaster relief or support, e.g. the Health Optimisation in a Pandemic Emergency (HOPE) Fund, a special fund raised to address the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in Namibia. FirstRand Namibia also invests in the health and care of its employees through a separate social investment vehicle, the FNB Namibia Staff Assistance Trust.

FirstRand Namibia’s social investing entities
  • Originally established as the FNB Namibia Holdings Foundation. Its name was changed to FirstRand Namibia Foundation Trust in 2018.

FirstRand Namibia Foundation

Click on the link below for more information.

FirstRand Namibia Foundation

FNB Namibia Staff Assistance Trust

As part of FirstRand Namibia’s commitment to transformation, the business continues to assist previously disadvantaged non-managerial employees through the FNB Staff Assistance Trust (the trust). The trust’s objective is to assist previously disadvantaged non-managerial staff to pay medical bills and cover educational costs. The trust owns shares in FirstRand Namibia Limited and utilises dividends received to fund assistance provided to employees.

Educational assistance


Medical care support



The HOPE Fund initially focused on the purchasing of long-term medical equipment set to uplift local state hospitals even beyond the Covid-19 pandemic. It has evolved further to act as a platform for stakeholder engagement and diverse value contribution, bringing together local business and industries and government to solve for real community and societal pressures, e.g. helping to execute on the Ministry of Health and Social Services’ Covid-19 vaccination roll-out plan countrywide.